Monday, May 11, 2009

Water Apathy in Detroit

An Open Letter from MWRO member, Ann Grimmett:

In the past few months while collecting signatures in & around Detroit for the advisory question initiative for the water affordability plan to be put on the ballot in November, I've experienced a great deal of apathy, negativity and outright ignorance.

It's appalling that in these troubled times, in this (could be) great nation, that the response to something as vital as assuring that we ALL have water (which is a HUMAN right), that simply signing a petition is viewed by those who (think) that they are "alright", as an affront to their personal choices, while their neighbor is LIVING without the most essential element that GOD made!

What's more appalling is that without listening to or reading the information supplied by the petitioners, far too many Detroiters are opting to "pretend" that they aren't affected by the possible "Corporate Takeover" of the citizens of Detroit's publicly owned water department/system!

Shame on you residents of DETROIT for the lackadaisical attitudes and practices that have
allowed our great city to be pillaged raped and plundered!

Get offyour butts and get a petition from Welfare Rights, circulate it among your family and friends and return it IMMEDIATELY so that we the people can decide, since we obviously
cannot trust "OTHERS" to make sure our "behinds" are WELL covered!


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