
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Reverend Pinkney Speaks of Negative Impact of Governmental Emergency Financial Managers (EFM)

MWRO Friends and Members:

Russ Bellant is looking for volunteers to help collect signatures for the critical petition drive against Public Act 4.
The petition drive campaign to create a referendum on Public Act 4 ( the Emergency Manager/Dictator law) is growing and has a need for volunteers to check signature validity and input the data.

Please reply and let me know whether you can join us for any two hour period of time (or longer) this Wednesday from 4pm to 9 pm or on Saturday during the day for a focused effort to get this work done. This will allow an accurate count of valid signatures. Please remember that once the valid number is certified, the law is suspended. We need volunteers to reach that status.

Volunteers can also work Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.

If you are available, please contact him at russbellant@yahoocom

Thank you!

and Rachel Maddow blasts the EMF for repealing "Constitution Week" (Michael Moore)

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