
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Resurrection Marches in Detroit Against Welfare Cuts

For seven weeks, we have marched in "Resurrection Marches" to call attention to the 40,000 welfare families that will be cut-off cash assistance Oct. 1, 2011. We have been in front of the Capital Plaza Bldg in Detroit at Governor Snyder's office. 
 9/29/11 Resurrection March speakers included: MWRO State Chair Maureen Taylor, NWRU Co-President Marian Kramer, U.S. Congressman John Conyers, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Ed Rowe & State Representative Alberta Tinsli-Talabi.
We recognize how unconscionable it is for a State government to even suggest that the cost is TOO high to shelter poor people. Today’s demonstration confirmed that people are totally offended by this Draconian action!

Working people in Michigan and, especially, the militant union workers in Detroit and Highland Park are under a full court press as our standard of living and now even our lives are under attack.

How bad is it? 
  • Seniors are receiving letters telling them that if they ever had any assistance from the Welfare Dept., their life insurance policies should be turned over to them as they believe themselves to be the real holders of that policy.
  • All Social Security numbers in families that are being cutoff of assistance are being sent to Lansing so the State Police can cross-match those numbers and determine if anyone has an outstanding warrant.
  • The Food Assistance program will be reviewed by case workers performing the food asset test -– they will be looking for those nice items in your home that can be sold if you are going to continue receiving food assistance.
The only conclusion left is that “THESE PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO KILL YOU!!” 

WORKING PEOPLE –- wake up!  The world has changed and these corporations don’t need us anymore! If we are not needed, why feed us?  Why house us?  Why educate us? Why provide medical support for us? Because the world has changed and continues to throw off millions of laborers out into the streets each day, we MUST envision what kind of world we have to have. We will design the change, or they will.

We march to Washington, D.C., June 30th, 2012.  get involved and find your place as we amass millions toward the fight to eliminate poverty.  Reach us at: or call us at: (313) 964-0618.  You have 278 days left.

Image from MWRO member Fred Vitale. See more Resurrection March photos.

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