MWRO Calls its Members and the Metropolitan Community!
A Day of Deliberations and Decisions
Stop the Attack on the Poor!
Saturday, December 10
Central United Methodist Church • 23 E. Adams • Detroit
Morning • 10 am - 12 pm
Stop the Cuts!
Lawyers, judges, social workers, paralegals, and activists will gather to devise strategies that attack this form of genocide — the welfare cuts to mothers and children.
(See article below For Whom The Bell Tolls.)
Lunch • 12 pm — 1 pm for morning and afternoon sessions
Afternoon • 1 pm - 4 pm
Put Homeless Children and Veterans into Homes!
Community leaders and activists will gather to create a committee to put people back in their homes. (See article below Put Homeless Children and Veterans into Homes.)
For more information:
Please call the MWRO Office at 313-964-0618.
For Whom the Bell Tolls
By Maureen Taylor
Chairperson, Michigan WRO
For months, MI Welfare Rights has warned the residents of MI that the Governor was prepared to start programs that targeted children. No one ever imagined the horror that is about to be placed around the necks of low income children.
Effective immediately, mothers and children who depend on meager welfare benefits to pay for rent, mortgages and utilities have been cut off with no plan. Mothers with disabled children, disabled mothers, mothers in domestic violence circumstances, all who were supposed to be exempted, have received written notices informing them that their cash assistance cases have ended.
We are facing the most draconian series of events seen in the State, in the County, and most tragically in the City of Detroit. Some 40,000 welfare families living in Wayne County are the first to be killed-off, with some 15,000 of these living in Detroit.
The criteria for eligibility, is that families must have at least one minor child. With 40,000 families, we are looking at some 40,000, or 80,000, or 120,000 children who are being harmed.
Information you need to know.
1) If you receive a cut-off notice, you must file an in-person hearing within ten days of the date on that notice to maintain your benefits. You have a right to challenge a cut-off of benefits if the following has happened to you and your family:
You have a disabled child;
You are disabled;
You have been in a domestic violence situation;
File an IN-PERSON HEARING as soon as possible if you are or have been in any of these situations while receiving cash assistance. If you are outside the ten day date, file knowing that you will not be able to keep your assistance, but you will have your case heard in front of an Administrative Law Judge. FILE!! FILE!! FILE!!
Welfare Rights is proposing legal action to address these budget cuts aimed at making poor children homeless. To suggest that the State is “broke” and that Michigan can save $77 million each year by cutting off funds to the poorest and the littlest signifies that one has crossed over to the “dark side” already.
This “CALL TO ACTION” is to alert and to gather lawyers, judges, Social Workers, paralegals, and activists to devise strategies that attack this pattern of genocide.
This “CALL TO ACTION” is for all who read this article including welfare recipients who have received 48 month notices that claim their benefits have maxed out.
Call MWRO at (313) 964-0618 to be included in the first session, being planned before the end of December.
REMEMBER!! We march every Thursday, noon to 1pm, at the State Building – 3044 W. Grand Blvd – against these cuts.
We will meet at the MI Welfare Rights office, 23 E. Adams, near Comerica Park, Saturday, December 10, at 10 am. Call in your rsvp!
Put Homeless Children and Veterans into Homes!
The time has come to put homeless children and veterans into homes. Since the economic crisis began, people around Detroit have been talking about putting people into empty homes.
Now is the time to move from talking about it to seriously planning it and executing the plan.
No one organization or one community has been able to do this work to date.
In our vision, the committee is initially composed of community leaders, organizations and/or their representatives who can:
1. Reach out to bring families cut from welfare and homeless veterans into the struggle.
2. Marshal all the resources necessary to successfully put people in and keep them in homes.
These include legal teams to fight for justice in the courts, committees to supply food, furniture, clothing; education and training in the political struggle involved; skilled
trades to repair homes and maintain utilities and many others.
3. Strategize and develop the best plans to successfully put people in to homes.
At the meeting, many aspects of this struggle may be debated or explored but the goal is expressly clear — the creation of a community-supported committee to plan such actions.
(From page 6 of the Winter 2011 MWRO Newsletter)
How about a 'call to action' for people to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for themselves and their progeny? More welfare only forces OTHERS to assume YOUR responsibilities. Stop having illegitimate children you're unable to provide for. Is an unskilled, uneducated, welfare dependent society a recipe for success? WAKE UP! The goal should be LESS welfare dependence not MORE. Welfare is an indicator of FAILURE.