
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

National Poverty Tour Comes to Detroit

On Monday, August 8th, 2011, something very critical is happening in Detroit.

The 15-city POVERTY TOUR: A CALL TO CONSCIENCE is making a stop at City Hall. PBS talk show host Tavis Smiley and Princeton Professor Cornell West have coordinated this national effort to shine a light on the plight of the American poor.

MI Welfare Rights has been invited to attend and, we in turn, invite you to come and share your thoughts about the rising poverty that we all see happening in Detroit. With the threat of 12,600 welfare families being cut off of benefits effective October, 2011, we are in the front seat as we see our meager standard of living being driven down.

Meet us at the Detroit Coleman A. Young Municipal Center (aka City County Bldg) in the Auditorium on Monday, August 8th at noon sharp until 2pm. This Tour has made appearances all over the country as they document everywhere else what is happening here.

See you there! 

Video: "Tavis tells the Truth about Poverty in America," CBS commentary found on Poverty Tour website.

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